Lua Game Engines

Recently we have broken down lists of 3D game engines that use the C++ language or C# language as a programming language for game logic.  Today we are going to look at game engines using the Lua programming language.  This doesn’t mean the game engine was created using the Lua language, instead we are covering engines that can be scripted using Lua.  In this list, unlike the previous two, we are going to include both 2D and 3D game engines in the list.  Additionally, for 2D engines, we will also include frameworks that don’t necessarily include level editors.

2D Lua Engines:

Defold (Learn More)


LÖVE (Learn More)


Raylib (Learn More)


3D Lua Engines:

Spring RTS

GameGuru (Learn More)



Lumberyard (Learn More)

Roblox Studio

Urho3D (*Needs to be enabled)

Stingray|3DS Interactive


CryEngine (Deprecated)

Cocos2D (Undocumented)

PolyCode (Seemingly abandoned)

Marmalade (Deprecated)

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