Hands On with Google Resonance Audio

Google just open sourced Resonance Audio, their 3D spatial audio rendering SDK.  It supports multiple platforms and game engines including Unreal, Unity, wWise, FMod, iOS, Android and Web.  You can learn more about Resonance Audio here, while the source is hosted on Github under the liberal Apache 2 source license.  Resonance enables you to create and position audio sources in 3D, define audio properties of your world, position the listener and then calculates the results for you.

The following is a simple HTML5 sample that illustrates creating a 3D audioscape using the Web api.  It creates 3 different sounds, a laughing woman, a waterfall, and a bird chirping, all downloaded from freesound.org.  The lady laughing can be moved around using the arrow keys as well as page up/down to move around the Z axis.  You can move the listener’s ear left and right using the A and D key.  Finally, the bird chirping will appear every 4 seconds in a random location relative to the users ear, + or – 1 meter.

You can get more details and hear the demo results in this video, which I will also embed below.  The sound works best when heard through a set of headphones.

< !DOCTYPE html>
    < html lang="en">
        < head>
            < meta charset="UTF-8">
                < title> GFS Resonance Audio Test < /title>
                        <script src="https:/ / cdn.jsdelivr.net / npm / resonance - audio / build / resonance - audio.min.js "></script>
                            var laughX = 0.0;
                            var laughY = 0.0;
                            var laughZ = 0.0;
                            var x = 0.0;
                            var y = 0.0;
                            var z = 0.0; // Create an AudioContext          let audioContext = new AudioContext();            // Create a (first-order Ambisonic) Resonance Audio scene and pass it          // the AudioContext.          let resonanceAudioScene = new ResonanceAudio(audioContext);            // Connect the scene’s binaural output to stereo out.          resonanceAudioScene.output.connect(audioContext.destination);            // Define room dimensions.          // By default, room dimensions are undefined (0m x 0m x 0m).          let roomDimensions = {              width: 3.1,              height: 2.5,              depth: 3.4,          };            // Define materials for each of the room’s six surfaces.          // Room materials have different acoustic reflectivity.          let roomMaterials = {              // Room wall materials              left: 'metal',              right: 'curtain-heavy',              front: 'curtain-heavy',              back: 'curtain-heavy',              // Room floor              down: 'grass',              // Room ceiling              up: 'grass',          };            // Add the room definition to the scene.          resonanceAudioScene.setRoomProperties(roomDimensions, roomMaterials);            /// -----------------  Laugh audio          // Create an AudioElement.          let audioElement = document.createElement('audio');            // Load an audio file into the AudioElement.          audioElement.src = 'laugh.wav';          audioElement.loop = true;          // Generate a MediaElementSource from the AudioElement.          let audioElementSource = audioContext.createMediaElementSource(audioElement);          // Add the MediaElementSource to the scene as an audio input source.          let source = resonanceAudioScene.createSource();          audioElementSource.connect(source.input);          // Set the source position relative to the room center (source default position).          source.setPosition(laughX, laughY, laughZ);          source.setMaxDistance(3);            /// -----------------  Waterfall          // Create an AudioElement.          let audioElement2 = document.createElement('audio');          audioElement2.src = 'waterfall.wav';          audioElement2.loop = true;          let audioElementSource2 = audioContext.createMediaElementSource(audioElement2);          let source2 = resonanceAudioScene.createSource();          audioElementSource2.connect(source2.input);          source2.setPosition(0,0,0);          source2.setMaxDistance(3);              /// -----------------  Bird noises          let audioElement3 = document.createElement('audio');          audioElement3.src = 'bird.wav';          audioElement3.loop = false;          let audioElementSource3 = audioContext.createMediaElementSource(audioElement3);          let source3 = resonanceAudioScene.createSource();          audioElementSource3.connect(source3.input);          source3.setPosition(0.5,0,1);          source3.setMaxDistance(3);            // Play the audio.          audioElement.play();          audioElement2.play();            setInterval(()=>{              //randomly position bird  -1 to +1 x/y relative to the listeners location every 4 seconds              source3.setPosition(x + Math.random() * 2 - 1 ,y + Math.random() * 2 - 1,1);              audioElement3.play();          },4000);            resonanceAudioScene.setListenerPosition(x,y,z);          window.addEventListener("
                            keyup ", function(event) {                // Move laugh audio source around when arrow keys pressed              if (event.which == 37) // left arrow key                  {                      source.setPosition(laughX -= 0.10, laughY, laughZ);                  }              if (event.which == 39) // right arrow key                  {                      source.setPosition(laughX += 0.10, laughY, laughZ);                  }              if (event.which == 38) // up arrow key                  {                      source.setPosition(laughX , laughY += 0.10, laughZ);                  }              if (event.which == 40) // down arrow key                  {                      source.setPosition(laughX, laughY -= 0.10, laughZ);                  }              if (event.which == 33) // page up arrow key              {                  source.setPosition(laughX , laughY, laughZ += 0.10);              }              if (event.which == 34) // page down arrow key              {                  source.setPosition(laughX, laughY, laughZ -= 0.10);              }              if (event.which == 32) // space key              {                  laughX = 0;                  laughY = 0;                  laughZ = 0;                  source.setPosition(laughX, laughY, laughZ);              }                    // Move the listener left or right on A/D keys              if (event.which == 65){ //A                  resonanceAudioScene.setListenerPosition(x-=0.1,y,z);              }              if (event.which == 68){ //D                  resonanceAudioScene.setListenerPosition(x+=0.1,y,z);              }          }, this);        

                        <body> </body>


The video

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