
Unreal Engine Tutorial Part Six: Using Tilesets and Tilemaps

  Today we are going to look at creating 2D maps composed of tiles.  You can think of tiles as re-usable lego block like sprites that are assembled to create a more detailed map.  Tiles are stored in a data structure called a tileset, where collision details can be added.  These tiles and tile sets […]

Unreal Engine 2D Game Development Tutorial Series

  This tutorial series covers all aspects of creating a 2D game using Unreal Engine.  It is my intention to eventually create an identical series covering Unity, so people can directly compare the workflow of both game engines.  This series is in both text and video form.  All coding is done using Blueprints although I […]

Unreal Engine Tutorial Part Two: Your first application

  In the previous tutorial we created a new project but didn’t really go anywhere with it.  Instead we were focusing more on learning our way around the Unreal Engine interface.  By the way, with each tutorial I assume you are familiar with the subject matter of the tutorial that came before it.  This tutorial […]

C# comes to Unreal Engine

  On a daily basis I use dozens of different programming languages.  Some languages are certainly better than other languages at certain tasks, while other languages truly shine on certain platforms.  Some languages are more portable than others, others are more customizable while some can be faster.  All that said, when all other things are […]

Unreal Engine 4.2 has shipped

  The following email just landed in my inbox.   Unreal Engine 4.2 is Here!   In this update we’re shipping 269 new additions, 163 changes and 107 fixes. That’s 539 updates in 6 weeks. Here are a few ways you can do more with Unreal Engine 4 for only $19 per month. If you […]

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